Tarot Cards

Ever wanted to get answers to your questions. Tarot Card can reveal truth and provide the direction in your life. Tarot card reading starts from yourself, you have to feel that you’re ready to read and have a willingness to try. It might be a bit scary and overwhelming to start, but trust your feelings and they will guide you. So, where to start… Of course the first step is getting a Tarot card deck for yourself. This step itself can be fairly intimidating as there are way too many options. My personal recommendation is to go to any Spiritual Shop near you and see what your intuition tells you. First deck of Tarot card may not be the perfect one but it’ll let you explore your feelings and intuition, learn more about yourself, and finally decide which deck is the best for you. Another option is buying online, you can try the one I’ve handpicked for beginners: beginners taro card deck.
Now that you have your first deck, let’s see what’s inside. You’ll find 78 cards in the deck: 22 Major Arcana Cards – they are not suited and represent major force and have to be taken very seriously in your readings.
Next, 56 Minor Arcana Cards. They can be one of the following four suits: Wands, Pentacles (also called Coins), Cups, and Swords – each suite has the general meaning. There are 14 cards in each suite and they bring own messages.
For example:
“Ace of Wands” – Every Ace is sort of a warning or an exclamation mark. An important event will take place – Wands suit indicates that it’s regarding your material circumstances. It’s neutral by nature, however very significant and it is affecting your relation to material matters.
“Queen of Wands”
You have your possessions and know how to keep them, but do you know how to increase them? Don’t settle with what you have, or it may wither.
Of course you’ll get all Tarot cards meanings if you order the deck from this site.
So, you know the meaning of all cards, now what? Can you start reading Tarot? Not so fast. First, you need to formulate your question and force all of your energy into that question. You need to start this spiritual vibration first and pass it to you Tarot deck. Remember, cards are only helping you to reveal the spiritual information that is coming from your soul.
Once you feel that vibration, start with the spread. I would recommend to try 3 Cards Spread first. Each position in the spread reflects an aspect of your question to consider. Although you may not use all of them for every reading, this is the best way to start. The simplest, yet, very powerful way to get started is to have past, present, and future cards in the spread.
Next step is your first feeling about the spread. Before reading each card just look at all cards and get your first impression, does it look overall positive or negative to you, listen to your intuition. This exercise will also help you to develop your esoteric skills such as clairvoyance and claircognizance. Keep it in mind when you start reading the meaning of each card.
Finally, follow each card and think how the meaning of the card explains various aspects of the question you’re trying to answer. Try to come up with the clear picture or story using the clues the cards provide to you. First few times it may not be easy, but you’re on the right path and soon enough you’ll get it right.
If it feels overwhelming to you, you can always order a “Tarot Reading” from this site for the most important questions in your life.